• Scleroderma Herbal Remedies Treatment in Planet Ayurveda
    Scleroderma is a term used for describing a group of chronic skin disorders associated with an overactive immune system. The diseases categorized as Scleroderma are autoimmune conditions of the connective tissue - the fibers which provide the framework and support for the body. Scleroderma is a long-term, progressive disease that becomes worse over a period of time. This disease can cause changes to the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs. Scleroderma Herbal Remedies Treatment in Planet Ayurveda is the best treatment for these types of diseases. When the disease causes skin changes in isolated areas of the body, it is categorized as 'Localized Scleroderma'; and, when it affects internal organs, it is categorized as 'Systemic Scleroderma. The internal organs commonly affected in Systemic Scleroderma include the esophagus, bowels, lungs, kidneys, and heart. The disease can also lead to high blood pressure and renal crisis. The exact cause of scleroderma is not known, though it is believed that hereditary and environmental factors -- such as viral infections, radiation therapy, or organic solvents – possibly play a role in its development.


    Name: Plante Ayurveda
    Address: Plot No. 627, Sector 82, JLPL Industrial Area, Punjab 160055
    Phone Number: 9915593604/ 0172 521 4030
    Email Id: planetayurvedaindia@gmail.com
    Scleroderma Herbal Remedies Treatment in Planet Ayurveda Scleroderma is a term used for describing a group of chronic skin disorders associated with an overactive immune system. The diseases categorized as Scleroderma are autoimmune conditions of the connective tissue - the fibers which provide the framework and support for the body. Scleroderma is a long-term, progressive disease that becomes worse over a period of time. This disease can cause changes to the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs. Scleroderma Herbal Remedies Treatment in Planet Ayurveda is the best treatment for these types of diseases. When the disease causes skin changes in isolated areas of the body, it is categorized as 'Localized Scleroderma'; and, when it affects internal organs, it is categorized as 'Systemic Scleroderma. The internal organs commonly affected in Systemic Scleroderma include the esophagus, bowels, lungs, kidneys, and heart. The disease can also lead to high blood pressure and renal crisis. The exact cause of scleroderma is not known, though it is believed that hereditary and environmental factors -- such as viral infections, radiation therapy, or organic solvents – possibly play a role in its development. https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/scleroderma/ Name: Plante Ayurveda Address: Plot No. 627, Sector 82, JLPL Industrial Area, Punjab 160055 Phone Number: 9915593604/ 0172 521 4030 Email Id: planetayurvedaindia@gmail.com
    Herbal Remedies for Scleroderma, Ayurvedic Treatment - Causes, Symptoms
    Planet Ayurveda provides best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Sclero Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of scleroderma. These remedies are safe to use as these are free from side effects.
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